publicaciones cientificas

Nuevos tratamientos farmacológicos en el TDAH. A propósito de un caso clínico

Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil
Los psicoestimulantes son generalmente el tratamiento farmacológico de primera línea para el TDAH, aunque alguno de estos pacientes no consiguen una remisión sintomática completa, especialmente los que tienen comorbilidad con el Trastorno Negativista Desafiante (TND). En estos casos, hay cada vez una mayor evidencia de que la combinación de psicoestimulantes y medicamentos no específicos para manejar el TDAH puede ser útil.

Neural Mechanisms in Eating Behaviors: A Pilot fMRI Study of Emotional Processing

Psychiatry Investigation
Objective: Emotional processing dysfunction evident in eating disorders (ED) such as anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), is considered relevant to the development and maintenance of these disorders. The purpose of the current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to pilot a comparison of the activity of the fronto-limbic and fronto-striatal brain areas during an emotion processing task in persons with ED.

Women, Partners, and Mothers-Migratory Tendencies of Psychiatric Trainees Across Europe

Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction: Combining a successful career with family planning has become increasingly important in recent years. However, maintaining a relationship, deciding upon the optimal time for pregnancy and other family planning decisions can still be quite challenging, especially for junior doctors whose training is long and demanding. Currently, women form an important part of the medical workforce, and there is noticeable feminization in migration.

Does COVID-19 psychological fatigue exist? Results of three online cross-sectional studies conducted in Spain from April 2020 to March 2021

Journal of Global Health
A previously published meta-analysis found that about one-third of the general population experienced some mental health problem during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially leading to a late mental health crisis. We aimed to describe the acute, short-term, and long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.

The Problem of Malnutrition Associated with Major Depressive Disorder from a Sex-Gender Perspective

Free PMC Article
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is an incapacitating condition characterized by loss of interest, anhedonia and low mood, which affects almost 4% of people worldwide. With rising prevalence, it is considered a public health issue that affects economic productivity and heavily increases health costs alone or as a comorbidity for other pandemic non-communicable diseases (such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.).

Neural Mechanisms in Eating Behaviors: A Pilot fMRI Study of Emotional Processing

Emotional processing dysfunction evident in eating disorders (ED) such as anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), is considered relevant to the development and maintenance of these disorders. The purpose of the current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to pilot a comparison of the activity of the fronto-limbic and fronto-striatal brain areas during an emotion processing task in persons with ED.

Analyzing Psychotherapy on Twitter: An 11-Year Analysis of Tweets From Major U.S. Media Outlets

May 2022 Frontiers in Psychiatry 13
Background The Internet has become the main source of information on health issues, and information now determines the therapeutic preferences of patients. For this reason, it is relevant to analyze online information discussing psychotherapy.

Migration of Medical Professionals: The Case of Psychiatric Trainees in Spain

Free PMC Article
The social and economic situation in Europe seems to play a role in the migratory flow of doctors and other health professionals within the continent. However, little is known about the particular reality of workforce migration in Spain. The objective of this study was to explore the factors that motivate migration among junior doctors training in psychiatry in Spain.

Personality in patients with eating disorders depending on the presence/absence of comorbidity with borderline personality disorder

Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios
Studies on comorbidity between eating disorders (ED) and personality disorders yield rates of 20-80%, a condition that makes difficult the diagnosis and complicates prognosis, especially regarding their comorbidity with borderline personality disorder (BPD).

Neuropsychiatry Training in Nepal: Experiences of Trainees and Psychiatrists

Journal of Psychiatrists Association of Nepal
Training, practice and continuing professional development in neuropsychiatry and clinical neuroscience vary across different countries. However, little is known about the opinions of the Nepalese psychiatrists about the provision of neuropsychiatry training. This study evaluates the current training in neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences during the postgraduate psychiatry training and reflect on current practice.

Neural Mechanisms in Eating Behaviors: A Pilot fMRI Study of Emotional Processing

Psychiatry Investig
Emotional processing dysfunction evident in eating disorders (ED) such as anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), is considered relevant to the development and maintenance of these disorders. The purpose of the current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to pilot a comparison of the activity of the fronto-limbic and fronto-striatal brain areas during an emotion processing task in persons with ED.

Women, Partners, and Mothers-Migratory Tendencies of Psychiatric Trainees Across Europe

Free PMC article
Combining a successful career with family planning has become increasingly important in recent years. However, maintaining a relationship, deciding upon the optimal time for pregnancy and other family planning decisions can still be quite challenging, especially for junior doctors whose training is long and demanding.

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