"El abrazo es el mejor ansiolítico que existe"

DESCUBRE MI LIBRO "Una mente con mucho cuerpo"
¿Sabías que notar mariposas en el estómago, tener un nudo en la garganta o que sientas que te va a estallar la cabeza no son solo frases hechas? Se trata de sensaciones reales que se desencadenan en diferentes partes de nuestro cuerpo cada vez que experimentamos una emoción, ya sea enfado, tristeza o alegría, y son tan reales como el dolor de una pancreatitis.
«Una mente con mucho» cuerpo es una guía que te enseñará a entender tus emociones a través de lo que expresa tu cuerpo, al tiempo que ofrece las claves para regular tus estados de ánimo, potenciar tu creatividad, tomar mejores decisiones o hacer frente a la adversidad y, de este modo, cuidar de tu salud mental

Does COVID-19 psychological fatigue exist?
Results of three online cross-sectional studies conducted in Spain from April 2020 to March 2021
A previously published meta-analysis found that about one-third of the general population experienced some mental health problem during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially leading to a late mental health crisis.
Analyzing Psychotherapy on Twitter: An 11-Year Analysis of Tweets From Major U.S. Media Outlets
An 11-Year Analysis of Tweets From Major U.S. Media Outlets
Background The Internet has become the main source of information on health issues, and information now determines the therapeutic preferences of patients. For this reason, it is relevant to analyze online information discussing psychotherapy.
The Problem of Malnutrition Associated with Major Depressive Disorder from a Sex-Gender Perspective
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is an incapacitating condition which affects almost 4% of people worldwide.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is an incapacitating condition characterized by loss of interest, anhedonia and low mood, which affects almost 4% of people worldwide. With rising prevalence, it is considered a public health issue that affects economic productivity and heavily increases health costs alone or as a comorbidity for other pandemic non-communicable diseases
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